Friday, June 03, 2005

I'm south of the border for the next week....

Juarez '05
Brent...can that funk be contagious?

Thursday, June 02, 2005

My friend just got me the coolest gift EVER. He got me a copy of The Message by Eugene Peterson. It is a nice leather back bible with my name on it. I have such amazing friends. Thank you means more to me than you know.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I don't really know when i'm supposed to find time to get ready for Mexico....and I don't think I have given Nathan my birth certificate yet.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I was in the Marcus Band for 4 years. They have this thing called music camp the first week of summer where everyone goes up to school for like 6 hours a day and plays their instruments and gets to know the music we'll be playing for the marching show and what not. Well....I got a call this morning from my old band director. "Craig, we need a Saxophone teacher and were wondering if you were free this week...we'll pay you for it." Cha-ching. I will be getting paid for doing the exact same thing that I was forced to do last summer. I was the saxophone teacher the past two years too because I was an officer that was able to teach, therefore not requiring them to hire one..i guess they didn't have any students that could take it over this year, so they get to pay me to do it. What makes it even better is that I love playing my saxophone....I love talking to other sax players...and I love making music with people. I would probably do it for free if they hadn't already offered to pay me for it.

Sorry for canceling coffee.

Monday, May 30, 2005

I just got my new laptop today!!!! It is AWESOME.

The last Mexico meeting was today...we leave in 6 days. It is unreal how excited I am for this trip.