Monday, October 01, 2007

This past weekend I went to one of the most famous Mayan archaeological sites, saw one of the coolest pyramids in the world, and toured an ancient city. I have some really cool pictures that I'll post at a later date. But right now I have a funny story that literally just happened about 20 minutes ago. It all started this morning with my test in Cultural History of the Mayan Area. I had an 8 am exam in this class and apparently did not study as much as I should have, a crime I am often guilty of. After the exam I was talking with some other students in the class and they agreed that the test was very difficult. So difficult in fact that it required a word other than the normal word for difficult or hard. And the word seemed very harmless, especially since the only definition they gave me was that it means "really difficult". I'm sure you all know where this is going by now, but one last thing about this part of Mexico is that are a ton of Mayan words that are still common in the everyday language, so hearing words that I didn't know previously is not an uncommon experience, so...I thought nothing of it. Until....I came home for lunch and my host parents asked how the test went. I proudly replied with what I thought to be a demonstration of my expanded vocabulary, only to get a wide eyed look from my host mother, and a 2 minute long laughing episode from my host father. No real harm was done, but in essence, what I was saying was "the test was (insert expletive here) hard". Lesson learned, don't repeat words you do not know the meaning to. You'd think I would have learned that lesson back in high school after repeating that phrase in Dutch that Justin told me to say only to be slapped by his sister. I mean, the kid was a missionary kid for goodness sake. I'm way too trusting. Well, blog topics have to come from somewhere....