Thursday, November 10, 2005

My dorm room is quite possibly the messiest room that I have ever seen in my life. If I want to go from my door across the room to my computer I have to make a path. It can take several minutes. We haven't done dished in over a month, there are clothes just piling up waiting to be washed, but won't any time soon because I have a ridiculous amount of clothes that I haven't yet busted out. If I get access to a digital camera then I might post a picture of it. It is not safe. There are seriously piles of clothes waist high. There are empty/ half empty cups sitting in the same place I left them in september. There are about 7 pizza boxes piled by my door that I don't even remember eating because it was so long ago. The worst part about it is that I am oddly comfortable with the mess.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

If we aren't careful, is it possible for solid theology to keep us from viewing God as involved and intimate in some areas?

The question mark is there because I am curious...meaning I wouldn't mind some responses.