Saturday, April 09, 2005

I've gotten into the habit of constantly looking around for ministry opportunities. Many of you would say, "well that's a good thing." And it would be, except for that I am not realizing what actually is a ministry opportunity. Mission fields are not only those that involve helping people, serving the less fortunate, or traveling to another country to build houses. I am active in doing those, and when they are done, I ask when the next thing is that I can do. Every breath that I take, every word that I mutter should be my ministry. I should be a full-time missionary whether I live in Djibouti, Africa or Flower Mound, Texas, whether I am stocking shelves at CCA, or playing paper football in the lunch. Those other things should be awesome, exciting ways to serve my God, but not the only ones.
Everyone.....a minister, at all times.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Do you ever have one of those nights when you just stress out over the most stupid things thinking that the longer you lay awake in bed, the more likely it is that the problem will be solved. It doesn't make any sense. It would make more sense to stop worrying about it, get a good nights rest, and worry about it the next day if at all. But no...I, for some reason, expect all of life's questions to be answered while staring at my ceiling at night, when I am already exhausted and not in the right mind-set(especially since I'm not a night-time person).

Recently I have been really missing wrestling. What I would give for just one more match...
Any takers????Anyone at all?

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Dentist Part II

I got three more fillings today. It isn't my fault, I inherit bad teeth. But once again, as soon as they put me on the gas...I couldn't have cared less.

Well I must go to school now, but tonight is my favorite night of the week so I'll have something to push me through Economics. grr.

I just realized that I didn't blog Dentist Part I. So just to let you know, Wednesday of last week I had four fillings on the right side of my mouth. FUN. However, it's kinda sad that I would rather be getting my teeth drilled than have to go to band first period.

Monday, April 04, 2005


The most severe case of senioritis yet swept through Craig County today. It was disastrous. Right after third period I went to the band hallway to talk with some of my friends before D-lunch. However, most of my friends were leaving for senior out, while I was staying to attend the second worst class in the world, BCIS(2nd only to Economics). As this took place the only thought that I had in my mind was, "Why didn't I graduate early?" Very unhealthy......

I have decided. The coin landed on heads(see blog March 21) and I will be getting my guns up at Texas Tech next year. It feels so good to finally know for sure. I can think of a lot of people who are probably very excited about my decision, not to mention any names ....Nathan....Jude...
And there are plenty more....Brad...Jordan....Adam....Parents

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Daylight savings time really throws off my schedule. Since I'm a morning person, 7:00 seemed really late this morning, almost like I wasted part of my day. This will take some getting used to.

But this weekend rocked anyway.