Thursday, August 04, 2005

I think that my parents are realizing that, in 16 days, they won't have a son to mow the grass, take out the trash, paint the fence, vacuum, dust, wash cars, clean out the garage, or run to the grocery store for them. SO, they are eating up these last 16 days with great pleasure. Last night at Bible study we studied "kindness", one of the fruits of the spirit that we tend to shrug off, or take the "MANliness" away from. We discussed how it normally isn't the manly thing to be tenderhearted and kind....maybe I should work on that in this situation with my parents and give the glory to Him and not myself. DANG IT! I start to write a blog about how I'M the victim and I always realize that I'm the one in the wrong....

As nathan makes me want to kick a puppy.


spartacus21 said...

BEing the youngest it was nice before i left. My parents did things to make sure they knew they liked me. No curfew, fewer grips about my annoying habit such as leaving things on the computer desk or leaving out the record i just played. Now that i'm back, they realize i'm the youngest and they have two other daughters to worry about so for's back to work!

bAiLeY said...

you people are sick!
puppies should be kicked!! :(

bAiLeY said...

not* kicked

The Truth Tempest said...

I second that!

No kicked! ;.;

hm... Well, in my situation, my parents made a strong enough case that I am staying here and going to UNT for a year. So... they know I am still around, but really, I don't do enough for them. Back in the day when Matthew was younger, I did a lot more, especially helped out with him more. Now, I don't know where I really fit. My parents don't like to push or influence much on my actions, as they know I have a good head on my shoulders. Though, sometimes, you wish they would push more.

So, hey, a caring parent that annoys the heck out of you is kind. A parent that asks a lot of you; that is a parent who gives you many opportunities to glorify God in their service.
