Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I just had my first small group Bible study of the year. I am so excited to get to grow closer to God with this group of guys. One of the really cool aspects of this small group is that it's mainly a greek-based small group. Most of the guys in it are in fraternities. The amount of people that could be reached through all of these guys is incredible. I'm pumped about this on so many levels.


spartacus21 said...

That is so cool..my 2nd one is tonight. We are studying the 'Heartbeat of Jesus' i'm pumped!

Craig said...

Well, i appreciate that schuyler..but I can't take credit for starting the BIble study..i'm just in it. This guy named Jeff who works full time with the Navigaotrs(a college ministry) who has an incredible heart for college students is leading it. It is going to be awesome.

Maria said...

may god be with you