Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Two small thoughts going through my head are...

Yesterday was my only day off from after school marching band rehearsal this week. You know that I have been brainwashed when they tell us that we don't have to rehearse that day and all I can think is, "but we really need the work." However, the day off was greatly needed by everyone in the band and I shouldn't worry because we will be getting our eight hours of rehearsal in this week regardless of when it happens.

I started the book Classic Christianity and in the first chapter I can already tell that this is a book that I have needed to read for a long time. I am positive that God will continue to help me grow greatly through this book and I'm sure that He will use it as a tool in my life. I am very thankful for TEAM Training and the work that God is doing in my life through that as well.


1 comment:

Brent said...

Classic Christianity is a very meaningful book...be careful, though. It could change the way you live, so be prepared.

And, I enjoyed breakfast yesterday. Great way to start the day!