Sunday, October 03, 2004

It has been a really long time since I last posted. I have been very busy with band and everything that I just haven't been doing this. The good news is that i only have about another month of marching band. Bad news is that my life doesn't get any less busy due to wrestling season starting at that same time. Oh well, i guess i can't have the fun of being involved with activities such as band and wrestling without putting in the work too. Despite the work involved, i am very excited about wrestling season this year. Hopefully it will end in me taking a trip down to Austin for the state tournament.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Craigy! It's good to hear that you're still alive! :) I bet marching, and wrestling, and everything will be over before you know it--so I hope you can enjoy the year and not stress over it. I'm sure you'll do great at wrestling this year too, and I can't wait to come see some matches! --Meg