Wednesday, February 02, 2005

For those of you who go to my church, Nathan taught sunday school a few weeks ago and he focused on a certain Christian musician. (it might have been when some of you were at Pine Cove) This artist is controversial, however has great points. Well, one of his points had to do with Christians today being identified by the bumper stickers on thier cars, or by the T-shirts that we wear.
I tell you that story to tell you this story. I was at CCA getting my last minute service hours for NHS and an older guy walks up to me. He asked me if I am involved with a church and I told him that I was. And then he asked if I would ever wear a hat with a cross on it. I said yeah, so he hands me this hat with a cross on it. Which is great and I really like the hat. He said that he was trying to get people out of the "spiritual closet", and went on to tell me that he has no room for any more bumper stickers on his car, that all he wears is Christian apparel, and he walks around all the time handing out Christian clothing. Now, in no way am I bashing the way that this guy has decided to serve Christ. I believe that his intentions are great and he is doing good things for the Kingdom. But I remembered the point of the song that goes, "They'll know us by the T-shirts that we wear...." It is that we shouldn't have to be identified by "name tags". It says in the Bible that they should know who we are because of the way that we love. John 13:35 "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
I really don't mean to offend anyone, in fact I have Christian T-shirts and hats and the like. But the question is should we HAVE to wear them?


Maria said...

Hey Craig.....Nathan did an awesome job that night, i really liked the songs and how they made me think about the T-shirts we wear and all that....i don't think we have to and some shouldn't but there is this one guy that i used to have a class with and the majority of his shirts were associated with Christian sayings and bible versus and sometimes we talked about it and when we would other people would get interested and soon a group of us would be talking about Christ and what we believe....sometimes i think a great way to minister to high schoolers is by wearing T-shirts that challenge their opinions...i dunno just some thoughts, i hope your thumb is ok and all better and that you do great at districts this weekend! good luck! since i wont be there your gonna win, right? lol, i hope so, have a great night!

Brent said...

(inside joke from last night's pre-Bible study discussion forthcoming)

I think I'm still in the closet. By choice.


spartacus21 said...

I loved that lesson Nathan did. I think Eugene Peterson puts some of that into perspective with,"joy is not a requirement of the Chrisitian is a consequence." I don't know if i lost you there but i think that could be echoed with love.

Nathan said...

Hey Craig thanks for putting that lesson in better terms than I did. I appreciate everything you do and bring to the table brother.