Wednesday, April 13, 2005

My past couple of blogs have been short, one liners. I'm sure that most of you actually prefer shorter blogs...but occasionally I might have more to say.

The Senior English classes got to go to Medieval Times today. It was pretty fun. I just don't understand some of the people in my class. We have six more weeks of school and a couple of seniors just blew it. There were a couple of guys that decided to bring alcohol to the field trip...I know..STUPID. Well, they ended up getting expelled. Bad trade-off. They don't get to graduate with the rest of us. If they finish high school this year, it will have to be a JJAP or AEP alternative school. Another person decided to start smoking during the performance. Also STUPID...considering we were indoors and everyone in the room could smell it. I think there needs to be a Common Sense Booster shot in order to be admitted into school.

1 comment:

spartacus21 said...

wow, there really are some dumb people in our class...enjoy the rest while you can man..there is no turning back.