Sunday, May 08, 2005

There is this elderly couple that I take care of their lawn, trees, and other jobs for. Well yesterday spent about 4 1/2 hours trimming their trees and putting the limbs out for the trash people to take on Tuesday. Well there was a bit of a storm last night and I received a phone call. I had to go and move all of the branches off of Homestead(which is a street near theirs) and back next to the sidewalk because they had blown away during the night. And then I received some very funny looks from people driving by as I was sweeping off the street with a broom when it was all finished. I'm sure that looked peculiar.


Brent said...

There was a storm last night?

Brent said...

I mean, I did the same thing and I only live a block from there and nothing blew off my sidewalk...maybe those people are pranksters playing a joke on you. Did you ever think of that?

Craig said...

Actually, I did think of that...but either way I had to pick up the branches.