Thursday, September 29, 2005

The cool fall breeze is blowing into Lubbock as we speak. It's going to be a low of 53 or so today and I'm not really looking forward to it. I'm probably the only one that wishes the hot Texas summer would continue on year-round. There's even a chance for rain this afternoon...How unlucky is that? In less than a month and a half, it will probably be snowing here. I'm not made for that!

I'm putting on my jacket and walking to class...


Anonymous said...
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spartacus21 said...

we have a low of 85 and a high of less than 100! whoohoo...finally! cant wait for it to get to jeans weather! I miss hoodies.

Anonymous said...

HECK was freakishly cold this morning! I walked out in shorts and a T-shirt because I thought it was going to be WARM again, and sadly I was mistaken! I do like the weather, but not when it catches me by surprise!

spartacus21 said...

darn...they were wrong..three-digits for us yet again!