Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Made to feel like a 2nd-rate citizen

I'm a bit younger than most people in my circumstances. I turned 18 two days before college classes started for me. I did everything that you're supposed to do when you become of legal age. I registered for the draft and to vote. I renewed my license, and I even got a job to be less dependent upon my parents. Well, I showed up to get all of the paperwork done so I could start making some money and they tell me that I can't work there. "What?" Apparently the paperwork showing that I had registered for the draft hasn't gone through yet. It can take up to a couple of months to clear and they can't hire me until the Selective Services get my signed form saying that i would love to be forced to die for them.....
I have nothing against serving my country...I'm not even completly against the draft...I would die for my country if I had to. But are you telling me that no, law abiding, male in the country can get a job within the first few months of turning 18? I think something might need to be changed about that.

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