Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Tulane University baseball team moved into my dorm building today because their school happens to be under water at the moment. I think that it is incredible that Texas Tech, as well as most other colleges are getting to serve the students from the Louisiana schools that can't continue classes.

I have heard, however, that the students from Tulane don't like to be referred to as "refugees"...i thought that was a little humorous because i would have never even thought of them as refugees because that word puts a mental picture in my head that these people don't meet up to. It just hits a little closer to home when I realize that the people affected by this disaster are no different than I all.


spartacus21 said...

We have a ton of students at our campus! ASU plays LSU tomorrow and we have over 1000 new transfer students now. it still hasn't hit close to home but, yeah, i understand what you mean..maybe after the game it will hit?

spartacus21 said...

Oh yeah, i almost went to Tulane for the baseball team!