Monday, September 19, 2005

This is what went down...

I mentioned in my previous post that my knee is messed up. Well, when I woke up yesterday I guess i had taken enough ibuprofen the night before to make it fairly comfortable to walk short distances. So yesterday went fine. I went to bed and woke up with my knee hurting like no other at about 5:30 this morning....shrugged it off and went back to sleep. Alarm goes of at 8:30, step out of bed, putting pressure on my knee and I collapsed. A little concerned I took two more ibuprofen and literally hopped to class. I was planning on just getting an appointment at the on-campus health thingy right after my 9:00 spanish class, which meant skipping my Trig class. Well after spanish was over I stood up and my leg felt fine.....but I was already set on not going to Trig, so I didn't, I just went back to my room. I think ibuprofen works I'm not going to the doctor just yet and I have marching band in less than two hours....

To say the least I'm a little concerned about my knee.


spartacus21 said...

no way! i think you have the complete wrong view of the Matt guy. being a great sax player doesn't mean you are a great person!

Craig said...

It doesn't?....haha I was just kidding about you liking him...but are you trying to hide it Alicia????

spartacus21 said...

Whatever helps you sleep better at night Craig! ;)

spartacus21 said...

Craig! you should know me better! i was just messing around with you right back! i do hope your knee gets better though. take care.