Monday, October 10, 2005

Almost lost it

Last thursday night, I was stuying at my desk in my dorm room. I looked up at the clock and realized that I was almost late for a class that I have on Thursday nights..and since it only comes around once a weekd, it's easy to forget. So I jumped up and started getting my stuff together for class..then I looked back at my desk.........when I had started getting my books together I had spilled 20 ounces of dr. pepper on my laptop. They keyboard was just sitting in sticky brown liquid. The bad thing is that under the keyboard of a laptop is the actual COMPUTER. I dumped it over as quickly as I could and did my best to clean it off. The keys were SOOOOO sticky, and half of them didn't work. I talked to someone who said that they spilled sprite on their laptop and it was completely fried..ruined. That didn't make me feel any better. Well, I went home this weekend really sad that my computer might be ruined, only to return to a perfectly clean, perfectly usable laptop. I don't understand it. By using the keyboard you can't even tell that the keys were ever sticky. It is mind blowing. I guess I dumped it out fast enough not to ruin anything, and it was able to dry enough over the weekend that there isn't any damage. If anyone can explain this to me I'd love to hear it.


Nathan said... gnomes

spartacus21 said...

Somebody somewhere loves you.

either that or the uber-ninja computer swapers are back.