Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Great News.

I received a phone call yesterday from a very important person...one of my heroes actually. This guy's name is Matt and happens to be one of the top directors at Kanakuk Kamps. Kind of intimidated that this guy was actually on the other end of the line of I stuttered out a "h-hey Matt." It was kinda funny. But getting down to it, he was calling to let me know of my acceptance to work at K-1 this summer. Further, he was asking if there was any way that they could twist my arm into working for two months. I said that it would definitely be something I would pray about. So that is incredible news, but I hoped that getting accepted to work there would be God's way of telling me exactly what I should be doing this summer, and now I have to see if He wants me there for two months rather than one. This is a good problem to have so pray for me in my decision-making process.


Brent said...

Frankly, I don't think you really need to pray much about it, Ace.

Brent said...

Oh, and Craig, check out Becca's blog (you can use my link if you need to)...the Jeff Ehrich quotes are brilliant!