Thursday, February 16, 2006

Right before I moved to Lubbock, my friend miles and I bought a few yellow jumpsuits to pay tribute to the movie Bottle Rocket and to leave our good buddy Brent with a little gift to remember us by. You can go here to see the jumpsuits. Well, anyways I hung mine on my ceiling in my dorm room so when you look up in my room it looks like there is a yellow sky diver about to land on you with outstreched arms. This has sparked so many conversations with guys on my floor about movies and then the discussion goes into how I heard about the movie which then leads in to us talking about church which then leads into an opportunity to share the gospel with people...not exactly what I would have had in mind when thinking about the term "creative evangelism" because it wasn't planned. So I encourage you...hang something weird from your ceiling. God might use THAT too.

1 comment:

Brent said...

I usually get concerned when it's possible that my name comes up in college discussions with new acquaintences. Particularly what they must think when that conversation gets started by a yellow jumpsuit.

But hey, I'll join your gang, but you gotta get me one of those jumpsuits! Ca CAW! Ca CAW!