Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Things that are pretty sweet...

-Kanakuk for 2 months
-Tech Navs
-Texas weather (seriously, I like it)
-coffee shops
-friends both old and new who deeply care about my spiritual growth
-friends both old and new who's spiritual growth I deeply care about
-my new espresso maker and milk steamer
-Mexico '06...you're darn right I'm still going
-AND.......my Jesus who pretty much rocks my face off!

By the way, who started the whole "rocks my face off" thing?


Deleted said...

your mom.

Craig said...

i don't think that's true...

Brent said...

The first time I remember hearing the "rock your face off" thing was from Katherine. Or maybe it was Bailey or Keila. I have no idea where they got it...