Monday, November 20, 2006

So I couldn't help but notice that I can hardly call myself a blogger as of late, but it isn't because I have little to say, or that I don't know how to say it, or even that I don't have the time to do it. My unfaithfulness to blogging is for no other reason than laziness. So for that I blogger, to the once faithful readership, and to my dear mother who only reads this when someone else tells her to because i've written something that will upset her(See post on October 6th 2005 when I admit to piercing my you mom).

So, in a form that my buddy Brent uses quite skillfully, I will attempt to redeem myself.

These past four months I've been thinking...
-that I am ridiculously lucky to be plugged in with incredible followers of Christ who love me
-that I have an amazing girlfriend who knocked me off my feet back in June (I'm still recovering)
-that in July of '07 I will be moving out of the country for semester to live in Latin America
-that no matter how long I may go without talking to good friends, we pick right back up as if nothing ever changed
-that I am really ready to graduate college. Only 5 more semesters...ugh
-that God has given me an undeniable passion for Hispanic people and the Spanish language and I can't wait to see how it manifests itself in the future
-that I can't wait for Holiday break so I can catch up with old friends
And finally...
-that the 2006-2007 Red Raiders football season will be coined a "rebuilding year, whether or not any actual rebuilding occurs," as coined by the men of the square table

Thanks for bearing with me


spartacus21 said...

can't wait to catch up.

Anonymous said...

hey i miss you too! you=amazing!

Brent said...

Funny how all you wanted to do was get out of high school and off to college, and once you're in college about halfway through, all you can think of is how to get out of college and into the "real world."

And, Latin America next summer? Very cool