Friday, April 22, 2005

You won't believe this...

So if you read my blog, you know about the fish, the rock, and the smashed head...(see yesterday's blog). Well today a shocking similar experience happened to me. I was at school helping the set up of the after prom party that the school hosts. I get service hours in doing this. One of the ladies that was in charge asked if I would help her move a couch from a classroom into the cafeteria. Two other guys and myself went into this room, picked up this couch, and watched as four mice ran out from under the couch. The lady guys smiled really big. One of the guys picked up a yardstick and started swinging. I, however, knew that it was unlikely to hit a small mouse with a yardstick so I picked up a 2004 yearbook off of a nearby shelf. After picking up said yearbook, I watched as one mouse that hadn't already gone back under the couch continued running....then SLAM. The mouse's screeching stoped... and there was blood on the yearbook....mission accomplished. Now usually things like this don't happen to me. It has been an eventful week.


Brent said...

You better hope that there's no such thing as Karma...

Nathan said...

Man you need to ask my mom about the time she trapped a mouse in a paper bag and then beat it to death with a broom. I can still hear it's pathetic cries for help.

Deleted said...

strange since your after-prom party wasn't even AT marcus, but rather at katie's.
why didn't you decorate there?