Sunday, May 01, 2005

There are few people that I respect as much as some of the guys in my junior and senior guys Bible study. "Iron sharpening iron", as we grow together in Christ. When there is an issue, we will call eachother on it and most of the time our hearts are softened by God and we mature further in our walks. I don't know how I will even begin to say good-bye to some of my brothers in Christ as I leave Flower Mound to start a new phase of my life, and as some of them also leave and others stay... Each year, the seniors at my church get a few minutes to give a senior speech. I don't know how I will address these guys in my speech....I don't know if I can... But if any of you are reading this...Thanks for being studs. Keep God #1 and go serve him as I know that each of you will have amazing impacts on the Kingdom...and I can't wait to see the fruits of you labors...whether it is in Flower Mound during your senior year next year for you juniors, or if it is somewhere else for those of us graduating.

I know that I said I wouldn't have many serious blogs was just really brought to my attention.
Enjoy the people that God has put in your life NOW!


Brent said...

The senior guys have definitely set a "tone" that has been missing in the ministry for a while...I'll be real interested to see how the juniors from this year build on that and take what they learned from your class of guys and apply it to their own situations.

Deleted said...

all of your comments, craig+brent+CBC guys, have TOTALLY shattered my image of young men being stupid and mindless and really walking mass with a brain... but rather beautiful creations of God, and my brothers in Christ

...thank you (no sarcasm intended)

Schweers' Mom said...

Craig - thanks for all you have done in discipling mid-schoolers. You are greatly appreciated! Make sure you take a look at my blog post from May 2nd.