Friday, June 17, 2005

Do you ever feel like you can't do anything right?


The Truth Tempest said...

heh. I just like the way John put that.

Anyway, he is right! Mister Craig! Listen up! Listen to your wise, overly handsome friends. Do it... now!

Yeah. I know the feeling. Though, I more commonly see it as nothing that I do working as I hoped. As long as we do our best with our eyes on God, the result is simply circumstantial. We can only hope and pray that good and what is right will come from what we do. Though, that isn't really our choice, right?

Call me to hang and be cool!

Jude said...

haha your talking about my life story haha lol but i have learned that God is there to fix my stupid mistakes

kaylah said...

story of my LIFE!!!

Anonymous said...

that's what my mom always tells me