Thursday, June 16, 2005

I remember recently getting my drivers license on my 16th birthday....Oh wait. That was about two YEARS ago! Where does the time go?
Do you ever remember walking through the mall and looking at the "older" "cooler" kids. I used to pretend what it would be like when I was in high school, and I could drive, and I had a letter jacket, and all that stuff. Well now all that stuff is over with. I have finished high school, and don't wear my letter jacket anymore (mainly because it's like 105 degrees outside) and I don't even have a curfew anymore. It just seems like life was going at warp speed and when the coolness was occuring, I wasn't paying attention to how cool it actually was. I feel like I skipped four years of my life because I was too preoccupied with meaningless, trivial things...

This years goal...realize how cool it is to be in college. Enjoy life, friends, and most importantly...God, and don't STRESS OUT. Bring Glory to Him in all that I do by enjoying the life He's given me. That is something that the college group at Crossroads does unbelievably well.


Jude said...

I tried thinking i was cool and finally figured out that i am not, i am probably the biggest dork in the world but always thought i was the coolest hehe

Brent said...

In about one year, my daughter will be getting her driver's permit. So, don't even begin to get into a contest of "where does the time go" with me, bub.

Brandon and Jenny said...

life does indeed go at warp speed and I feel like i missed the "engage!" to start it all off.

But no matter how fast you're going, keep aiming at God and enjoy His goodness forever. Then no matter how much life streaks by you can know at least you are headed in the right direction.