Sunday, August 26, 2007

I'm here!!!! So after a night of sad goodbyes and a day full of flights and headaches I really didn't know what to expect when my host family picked me up from the airport. I screened my way through customs and walked through a door to see a woman, who looks oddly like my Granny, smiling really big holding a sign with my name on it. I knew right away that it would be a warm welcome. My host parents are probably the most friendly and lovable people I've ever met. I have 3 host brothers that are mid to upper twenties and my own room that is probably better than my room back home...mainly because in the Yucatan people sleep in hammocks. That's right, directly next to my bed is the most comfortable hammock I have ever laid on. As a matter of fact this very hammock will probably be the location of most of my blogs this semester seeing as my family has WIRELESS INTERNET. I was informed that no one in Mexico had internet in their home and I'd have to find some internet cafes....well that's apparently not true. One last small surprise i received today is that my host family has a beach house about 30 minutes away from here that they are taking me to the weekend after next. I'm roughing it so far, but I'll keep you updated.



Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are "home". You know I've been waiting all day for news!! What a wonderful relief to have such a spectacular family - you'll feel right at home with 3 older brothers. That just shows God has a sense of humor!! Please let them know how much we appreciate them. It also proves that although we miss you terrribly you are exactly where you are supposed to be at this time in your journey.

Have a wonderful 20th birthday on
We love you!!

Adam Lauchner said...

Hey buddy, that sounds fantastic we wish we were there with you! I'm glad everything worked out so great and we look forward to hearing more!

Adam & Becca

Anonymous said...

You just can't escape the love of a Granny....RELAX and enjoy God's fingerprint of answered prayer for this place and these people!
What a way to celebrate a 20th birthday!!! Congratulations.

spartacus21 said...

what's the town you're closest to? glad you can handle all the roughin' it brother! happy birthday too!

Brent said...


Happy Birthday!

And, I can't wait to hear what goes on there over the next few months! I'm really glad you're back blogging!

Jeff Raymond said...

Great news through your update! Makes me smile to think of God's goodness toward you. When you lay in that hammock, think back on and smile over those conversations we had the SUB. Jesus has whipped your fears, and I'm grateful to see His goodness toward you. Look forward to hearing more in days to come.
P.S. Having a great time in Nebraska! Go Big Red!

Anonymous said...

Happy 20th Birthday Son! We miss you although after visiting your room you left plenty of yourself here for a while, but we will eventually get it cleaned up and then we'll be missing you more. I may have to go throw some of your clothes on the floor periodically and leave some cups on the coffee table so Mom won't miss you so much. God Bless you and your new family ! All my Love DAD