Monday, August 27, 2007

Today I discovered that waking up early in Mexico is no easier than waking up early in the US. I started orientation today and have discovered that Merida is an absolutely beautiful city. I saw the oldest Cathedral in the continent, which is right next to my university, and sat in a coffee shop dedicated to Frida Khalo. Tonight I celebrated my birthday with my new extended family because two of my new family members are one year older today as well. Side note, birthday cake in the Yucatan is quite different than we are accustomed to in the US. People are very interested in your political views and are very well educated in world events. It welcomes different view points in a very tolerant, yet still opinionated manner. It almost makes it more comfortable to talk politics than in the US where people are easily offended. But right now it is almost impossible to think and write creatively. I'll be back tomorrow with more.

Buenas noches

1 comment:

Brent said...

The Dutch were the same way about political conversation. Very refreshing.