This is just me in front of the pyramid.
side view...
This is one of the business squares in the city. The architecture is very ornate with Mayan gods sticking out the the walls and stuff. Very cool.
I think this was one of the government buildings.
Pyramid from far away.
The city is much bigger than you can tell from the pictures. It has a really cool ball court. The Mayan's sport was very similar to our present day basketball, but you had to get the ball into the ring without using your hands. And then the losers, and sometimes the winners as well, were sacrificed to the gods. The ring and ball court is the picture below.
Skip ahead 7 days. My wonderful girlfriend Ashley and her friend Caitlin came to visit me in Mexico this weekend. They were unable to fly into Merida, so I met them in Cancun (a 4 hour bus ride from here) and we spent the weekend in Playa del Carmen. The weekend was amazing, the Caribbean was beautiful, and we went to an ancient Mayan city called Tulum. Now, I didn't take my camera this weekend so I'll have to wait until they send me copies of theirs before I can post some of them. But I'll try my best to post about this weekend before the next one passes...haha. I hope everything is going well for everyone.
Hi Son,
The pictures are great and we're glad you had a good time this weekend, can't wait to here from Ashley. Since I'm betting will be sooner that you blog again, hint hint hint! Go ahead prove me wrong, I dare you. Sounds like you're having lots of fun, so what about school ? ? ? ? Love You DAD
Yeah, you went somewhere that I've been - Playa del Carmen and Tulum- did I tell you not to eat the tacos there? I know you were glad to see Ashley. We're looking forward to our visit in November.
Love, MOM
You know, Craig...
...looking at those pictures...'re a strikingly good-looking man.
Just sayin'.
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