Thursday, October 18, 2007

Why hello friends and family. It is such a beautiful day here in the Yucatan that I would really just prefer to hop a bus to the beach (only a 20 minute ride) and waste the day in a hammock with a non-school related book and a margarita. But seeing as I had class that technically started an hour ago and 2 more that I actually will be attending today, I can't go sit on the white sands of Mexico and watch the guy in his motor operated parachute that keeps him flying above the reef for hours at a time. (side note, I really need to become friends with that guy...) This is my first time in like a month that I have had more than 10 minutes to blog. It feels kinda nice to be able to write about what is going on without being rushed, and while recounting my weekend tales is fun and I'm sure you appreciate them, I think it's more fair to people like my parents and grandmothers who read this to know that I'm doing well. Saturday I have scuba practice again, but this time we are taking 2 Caribbean dives so I'll be heading over to Cancun at like 4 in the morning on Saturday in order to be ready for the dive by 9. It is funny the way that studying abroad effects your mentality. I find it almost impossible to be motivated to do school work, which is hard enough when you live in a town like Lubbock but when you live in Mexico near the Caribbean... Especially because all of my credits transfer as pass/fail. All I have to do is get a D and I get the exact same credit as I would if were to get an's a dangerous system. Well, a few hellos to some people I've been thinking about recently..

-family: Mom, Dad, Adam, Brian, Dana & Grandmothers
-Ashley, Scott, and Mrs Seal
-CBC buddies (can't be individual, i don't have 3 hours but it's all love here)
-Tech Navs
-Cactus Shooters!!!
-Jeff, Julie, David, & Rebekah
-Tech Goin' Band
-Nurgypoo & D-Steve
-Kamp bros

Well, I need to get out of my hammock and get to school, but it feels like its going to be a good weekend. Hope it is for you too!

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