Sunday, August 22, 2004

New Opportunities

Today I will begin a couple of things that i have been offered to help me grow in my walk with Christ. The first is a class called TEAM Training that my church offers. It stands for, To Equip And Mobilize. I am extremely excited about begining that class today because I've heard so many good things about it. The second is being a small group Bible study leader for a group of middle school guys. We have our first meeting today where we find out exactly what age we will be leading (where really I will found out what age group of guys will be teaching and stretching me). This will be such a great experience because no one ever learns as much being a student as they do being a leader or a teacher.
Last night, I watched the infamous movie Raising Arizona. It was a pretty funny movie, but it does not rank amongst my top 5 or 10. However, NAPOLEON DYNAMITE IS THE BEST MOVIE IN THE HISTORY OF MOVIES. I highly recommend seeing it.
Words of Wisdom- "Don't fidget at attention!!!!!!"


Jude said...

Dude i am going to have to dissagree with it being the funniest movie though you got such classics as So I Married an Axe Murderer, Ace Ventura 1 & 2, Dumb and Dumber, Tommy Boy, Black Sheep but if you think it is then thats cool but i do have to dissagree with you on it but its cool, Team Training is the best i loved it it will really help you understand more about the Love of Christ and how you can share it with othersits going to be a good class for you dude, and yea these guys will stretch you i hope your my co leader that would rock but anyhoo i am up at the church on our new computer so thats going to rock peace out

Nathan said...

I don't know...I think for the funniest movie of all time I am going to have to go with Blazing Saddles.

1. Blazing Saddles
2. Raising Arizona
3. The Jerk
4. Caddyshack
5. Napoleon Dynamite
6. Young Frankenstein
7. Ghostbusters
8. The Royal Tennenbaums
9. Monty Python and The Holy Grail
10. This Is Spinal Tap

at least those are my favorites