Friday, August 27, 2004


Today just so happens to be my birthday, but I'm not too excited. I've never really been too thrilled about birthdays in the past because it seems like all of these people who haven't talked to you in a year come up and tell you to have a good birthday. And i'm kinda like, "Ok, I will, but the rest of my days are just as good and you don't talk to me then." I never say that in words but sometimes I think it. I know it is stupid, because I am supposed to like all of the extra attention. I also don't like the idea of people spending tons of money to get me presents. Small inexpensive, thoughtful presents are cool, but if someone spends more than like 6 or 8 dollars I feel like they are wasting their money because I would be just as happy without gifts. So my goal for the day is to enjoy my birthday. I am going to put all those past birthdays behind me and have a good time. Time to go to school...haha...HAPPY BIRTHDAY


Jude said...

Hey Happy BDay but i do talk to you the rest of the days that aren't so that is a good thing hehe and when i get money i might buy you a gift hehe lol well again happy bday and just enjoy it you know your real friends when they give you attention on the other 300 and whatever days of the year peace

Anonymous said...

Hey Craig,
Happy Birthday! Guess I'll have to return that $123 gift I got you that I knew you wanted and would totally love, since now I know it really won't make you happy! J/K Have a super day my lil' bro!

Nathan said...

*sniffle* Our little Craigy is all grown up. Happy Birthday bro.